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Counseling Center

Your Counselor at Levey

 Juantonia Hill

A comprehensive counseling program addresses three aspects of all students' lives:

  • Educational Development
  • Personal-Social Development
  • Career Development

Our balanced program is implemented through the following four components:

  • Guidance Curriculum (What and how counselors teach)
    Classroom or large group activities, small group activities, counselors support and educate parents on the development of their child.
  • Individual Planning (How counselors help students plan for their future)
    Students find their strengths and barriers to learning, counselors help students find the information they need to make good decisions, counselors help students find their best place to learn
  • Responsive Services (How counselors help students and parents when they have life issues)
    Counselors help students find resources for personal issues, they are there when you need someone to help, they are part of teams in the school that help students find their resources, and they work with other agencies to get the help a student or family needs.
  • Systems Support (How counselors support the school and community)
    Counselors advise on making the school a safe and respectful place, they are a part of many advisory councils and committees, they are a part of their community in service and providing information, they manage their program using needs assessments, setting goals, and evaluating their professional and program effectiveness. Counselors belong to professional organizations to learn new information and support each other.